@Node Main "SnapShot Manual" @Next "introsnap" @Toc "Main" SNAPSHOT VERSION 2.2 DOCUMENTATION MADE BY SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL Programmers: Ronny Oretap and Bjorn Reese, SHI anti-virus group. CONTENTS: @{" Introduction of SnapShot " link introsnap} @{" About Safe Hex International " link aboutsafe} @{" SnapShot copyright " link shotcopyright} @{" System requirements " link systemreq} @{" How to use snapshot " link howtouse} @{" About SnapShot files " link snapshotfiles} @{" Snapshot of your hardddisk " link snapshotof} @{" Points to remember! " link pointsto} @{" Attention notice! " link attention} @{" Snapshot history " link snaphistory} @{" How to get in contact with SHI " link addressmain} @{" Safe Hex International address list " link Ad} @{" Attention dear Amiga friend! " Link always} WE REALLY HOPE YOU WILL APPRECIATE OUR WORK! @Endnode SIGNED: Ronny Oretap. Member of the SHI Anti Virus Group. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node introsnap "SnapShot Manual" @Next "aboutsafe" @Prev "Main" @Toc "Main" WHAT IS SNAPSHOT? SnapShot is a 'startup-utility' aimed at harddisk users, and is a SUPPLEMENT (NOT a replacement) to a good virus checker/killer. It can also be used by floppy users, but is intended to be used on a harddisk system. SnapShot is not only automatic, it's also much, much faster than a conventional virus checker. Snapshot will automatically check your harddisk for viruses every day, week, month or whatever intervals you decide. If the disk structure is not 100% identical to what SnapShot expects to find you will get a message telling you that something is wrong, and you can do a more extensive check of the disk. The advantage over other virus checker programs is that SnapShot will do this automatically, say every week. So if you forget(?) to check your harddisk for viruses, SnapShot will do it for you!! REMARK: SnapShot will find "ALL"...new unknown viruses too!!! ATTENTION: SnapShot is special very excellent for BBS purpose to avoid hacking by the new very used infiltrator programs, which enables a hacker to take over your bulletin board. @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node aboutsafe "SnapShot Manual" @Next "shotcopyright" @Prev "introsnap" @Toc "Main" ABOUT SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL If you know a virus programmer you can get a reward of $ 1000 for supplying his name and address. The fact is that the law punishes data crime very severely. (5 years in jail in most countries). We are an international group with more than 500 members who have started trying to stop the spread of virus. Let me give you some example: 1. Our motto is: "Safe Hex", who dares do anything else today?". 2. A virus bank containing more than 1800 viruses for PC an Amiga. 3. We help people to get money back lost by virus infection. 4. We write articles about virus problems for 20 magazines worldwide. 5. We release the newest and the best virus killers around. 6. We have more than 35 "Virus Centers" worldwide where you can get free virus help by phoning our "Hotline", and the newest killers translated in your own lan- guage at very little cost. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL (Please send a "Coupon-Response Erik Loevendahl Soerensen International" and a self adders- Snaphanevej 10 sed envelope, if you want infor- DK-4720 Praestoe mation about SHI by letter). Denmark Phone: + 45 55 99 25 12 Fax : + 45 55 99 34 98 @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node shotcopyright "SnapShot Manual" @Next "systemreq" @Prev "aboutsafe" @Toc "Main" SNAPSHOT COPYRIGHT. The SnapShot program and this documentation is copyright (C) by Ronny Oretap, Bjorn Reese and Safe Hex International. The SnapShot program may under no circumstances be distributed without this documenta- tionfile. You may copy it freely, with the documentationfile unchanged and included, but you may NOT sell it for profit! The SnapShot program is NOT for commercial use without the written permission from Safe Hex International. @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node systemreq "SnapShot Manual" @Next "howtouse" @Prev "shotcopyright" @Toc "Main" SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: An Amiga (hopefully any model, if not let me know). A Harddisk (optional). A System clock with battery.( Mounted on most ram expansions). @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node howtouse "SnapShot Manual" @Next "snapshotfiles" @Prev "systemreq" @Toc "Main" HOW TO USE SNAPSHOT. Before you can use SnapShot you must be sure that your system is 100% virusfree. I personally prefer to use 'Virus_Checker' by John Veldthuis to make sure that my system is virusfree. SnapShot is used in two ways. First you have to use the 'update' parameter to take a snapshot of your system. After the snapshot is taken you can put SnapShot in your 'startup-seq- uence'. See below. THE SYNTAX OF SNAPSHOT IS AS FOLLOWS: SnapShot <[update]|[0 1 . 31]> where the parameters has the following meanings: = The harddisk partition (or floppy drive) to use. (The one you start up from.) <[update]> = This is the parameter you use to take a snapshot of the disk. This is used only the first time you use SnapShot, or when you have done any changes on the disk. More about this later. <[0 1 .. 31]> = This is the parameter(s) you use in the 'startup- sequence'. The 1 .. 31 is the dates that you want the system checked for viruses. If you use 0 here it will check always. = The switches tells SnapShot what/where to check for viruses. They are as follows: -r This switch is if you want to include the 'root' of the disk. (dh0: dh1: Workbench: etc.) -c This switch is if you want to include the 'c' directory of the disk. (dh0:c dh1:c Workbench:c etc.) -s This switch is if you want to include the 'startup- sequence' in the 's' directory of the disk. -d This switch is if you want to include the 'Disk- Validator' in the 'l' directory of the disk. -a This switch is if you want to include all of the above switches. I will give you some examples of how to use SnapShot for the first time. If your harddisk is 'DH0:' and you want to take a snapshot of the entire disk, you will type the following line in the CLI: SnapShot dh0: update -a or, if you will only take a snapshot of the 'root' and the 'c' directory you will type: SnapShot dh0: update -r -c or only the 'Disk-Validator' you type: SnapShot dh0: update -d @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node snapshotfiles "SnapShot Manual" @Next "snapshotof" @Prev "howtouse" @Toc "Main" ABOUT SNAPSHOTFILES. When using the -c switch, a file called 'c.ss' is created and saved in the 's' directory of your disk. When using the -r switch, a file called 'root.ss' is created and saved in the 's' directory of your disk. When using the -s switch, a file called 'startup.ss' is created and saved in the 's' directory of your disk. When using the -d switch, a file called 'validator.ss' is created and saved in the 's' directory of your disk. Do not alter or delete any of these files, or SnapShot will not be able to work properly. @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node snapshotof "SnapShot Manual" @Next "pointsto" @Prev "snapshotfiles" @Toc "Main" SNAPSHOT OF YOUR HARDDDISK After you have used SnapShot with the 'update' parameter you put in a line in your 'startup-sequence' AFTER the 'setclock load' command. I'll give you a few examples: If you want SnapShot to check your entire harddisk on the 1st and 14th of every month you put in the line: SnapShot dh0: 1 14 -a or to check the 'Disk-Validator' 5th and 30th of every month you put in the line: SnapShot dh0: 5 30 -d Easy or what!? @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node pointsto "SnapShot Manual" @Next "attention" @Prev "snapshotof" @Toc "Main" POINTS TO REMEMBER! SnapShot is NOT a viruskiller (yet?), it's a supple- ment to the many available viruskillers in the public domain. It will only tell you if there is any changes in the diskstructure (a virus has infected a file or files, or you have forgotten to update the snapshot), NOT remove any viruses. @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node attention "SnapShot Manual" @Next "snaphistory" @Prev "pointsto" @Toc "Main" ATTENTION NOTICE! If your system is not 100% virusfree when you take a snapshot of your disk, SnapShot will not be able to give you correct information regarding the disk. You must ALWAYS remember to update SnapShot with the 'update -r -c' parameter after you have installed new files in the 'root' or 'c' directory. Also use the 'update -s' after you have changed your 'startup- sequence'. The authors, are NOT responsible for any loss of data, or other damages due to misuse of this program. We hope you will enjoy this program, and may you have many happy virusfree years ahead. @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node snaphistory "SnapShot Manual" @Next "addressmain" @Prev "attention" @Toc "Main" SNAPSHOT HISTORY: SnapShot V0.1 to V1.0 was never released. SnapShot V2.00 was released 03-Jan-93. SnapShot V2.2 - Bugfix by Bjorn Reese, SHI (Feb-94) * Option -d is only valid under the Old File System, if New File Systems is used, this option is ignored. * No guru in script. @Endnode ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @node addressmain "How to get in contact with SHI" @Next "ad" @Prev "snaphistory" @Toc "Main" HOW TO GET IN CONTACT WITH SHI Please contact one of our centers and we will try to help you. See more information in the @{" Addresses " link Ad} file. MAIN CENTRAL VIRUS CENTER: Erik Loevendahl Soerensen Snaphanevej 10 DK-4720 Praestoe DENMARK @endnode @node Ad "SHI addresses" @Next "resident" @Prev "addressmain" @Toc "Main" SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS LIST: SHI need 2-3 centres in most of the following countries. Are you more than 20 years old and knowing 2-3 good friends with interrest to help. Do your friends or yourself have a phone, a 24 pin printer or laserprinter. And most important time and interrest to run a new virus help centre, in a SERIOUS WAY with the aim to get our SHI disks to be the most popular Amiga disks around? Then please conctact me, @{" SHI MAIN CENTRAL VIRUS CENTRE " link cen} SHI Regional Virus Center's @{" ARGENTINA " link ARGENTINA} @{" AUSTRALIA " link AUSTRALIA} @{" AUSTRIA " link AUSTRIA} @{" BELGIUM " link BELGIUM} @{" CZECH " link CZECH} @{" DENMARK " link DENMARK} @{" EAST ASIA " link EAST_ASIA} @{" ENGLAND " link ENGLAND} @{" FINLAND " link FINLAND} @{" FRANCE " link FRANCE} @{" GERMANY " link GERMANY} @{" GREECE " link GREECE} @{" HOLLAND " link HOLLAND} @{" IRAN " link IRAN} @{" IRELAND " link IRELAND} @{" ITALY " link ITALY} @{" NORWAY " link NORWAY} @{" POLAND " link POLAND} @{" PORTUGAL " link PORTUGAL} @{" ROMANIA " link ROMANIA} @{" SLOVAKIA " link SLOVAKIA} @{" AFRICA " link SOUTH_AFRICA} @{" SPAIN " link SPAIN} @{" SWEDEN " link SWEDEN} @{" SWITZERLAND " link SWITZERLAND} @{" TURKEY " link TURKEY} @{" USA " link USA} @{" HUNGARIA " link HUNGARIA} @{" CANADA " link Canada} @{" REP OF CHINA " link CHINA} @{" SAFE HEX BUDDY SYSTEM " link BUDDY} @{" SAFE HEX MAGAZINE " link RESIDENT} @{" SAFE HEX BULLETIN BOARD " link BULLETIN} @endnode @node resident "SHI addresses" @Next "bulletin" @Prev "addressmain" @Toc "ad" SAFE HEX MAGAZINE RESIDENT Vidar Bang Sagah yden 24 9500 Alta Norway Phone: + 47 84 30660 @endnode @node bulletin "SHI addresses" @Next "buddy" @Prev "resident" @Toc "ad" SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN BOARD: Jan Bo Andersen Veronikavej 33 1 tv. DK-2610 R dovre Denmark BBS: + 45 36 72 68 67 Open 0000 -2400. Modem v32 bis. IF YOU HAVE A MODEM. PLEASE SEND NEW VIRUSES DIRECT TO OUR BBS WITHOUT YOUR HELP THERE HAVE BEEN NO VIRUS KILLERS TO-DAY, BE QUITE SURE! Always the newest anti-virus stuff and a lot of texts concerning data security. You are welcome, to get any virus problem solved by our worldwide virus "HOT-LINE" if you contact some of our local virus centers too. Or you can contact the sysop in Denmark by voice: @{" Oh yes! I would like " link DENMARK} @endnode @node buddy "SHI addresses" @Next "holland" @Prev "bulletin" @Toc "Ad" SAFE HEX BUDDY SYSTEM Stefan Daugaard Hansen Traneh jen 236 5250 Odense sv Denmark Phone + 45 65 92 65 42 @endnode @node holland "SHI addresses" @Next "australia" @Prev "buddy" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE HOLLAND Marco van den Hout Doornboomplein 9 NL-5081 GR Hilvarenbeek The Netherlands Phone +31 04255 3513 @endnode @node australia "SHI addresses" @Next "slovakia" @Prev "holland" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE AUSTRALIA Amiga Quarantine Brian & Rick Logan P.O. Box 533 Engadine N.S.W 2233 Australia (No phone) @endnode @node slovakia "SHI addresses" @Next "czech" @Prev "australia" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SLOVAKIA Ondrej Krebs SNP 4 908 51 Holic Slovakia Republic Phone: + 0801 3764 @endnode @node czech "SHI addresses" @Next "denmark" @Prev "slovakia" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CZECH MB Soft Dalimilova 6 130 00 Praha 3 Czech Pepublic @endnode @node denmark "SHI addresses" @Next "italy" @Prev "czech" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE DENMARK Jan Andersen Veronikavej 33 I tv. 2610 R dovre Phone + 31 41 68 67 @endnode @node italy "SHI addresses" @Next "england" @Prev "denmark" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ITALY Massimo Gais V. Vittorio Veneto 31 80029 S. Antimo (NA) Italy Phone + 39 81 5052256 @endnode @node england "SHI addresses" @Next "usa" @Prev "addressmain" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ENGLAND Paul Browne 304 Leeds Road Eccleshill Bradford W.Yorks BD2 3LQ England Phone + 44 274 631 041 Fidonet 2:256/301.2@ @endnode @node usa "SHI addresses" @Next "greece" @Prev "england" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTER USA? Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in USA? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node greece "SHI addresses" @Next "belgium" @Prev "usa" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE GREECE Konstantinos Angelis P.O. Box 50784 54014 Thessaloniki 22 Greece Phone: +30 431 29207 Fax : +30 431 38214 BBS : +30 431 72171 @endnode @node belgium "SHI addresses" @Next "spain" @Prev "greece" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE BELGIUM Dutch Language: Koen Peetermans Vrijheersstraat 8 B-3891 Gingelom Belgium Phone: + 32 11 48 58 19 SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE BELGIUM French Language: Gregoire Jean-Christophe 64 Franstimmermansstraat 1600 Sint Pieters Leeuw Belgium Phone: + 02 377 76 78 @endnode @node spain "SHI addresses" @Next "germany" @Prev "belgium" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SPAIN John Lohmeyer Parque Guell 7 08338 Premia de Dalt Barcelona Spain Phone: + 03 752 38 85 Fax : + 03 752 30 79 BBS : + 03 892 39 83 @endnode @node germany "SHI addresses" @Next "sweden" @Prev "spain" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE GERMANY Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in Sweden? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node sweden "SHI addresses" @Next "poland" @Prev "germany" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SWEDEN Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in Sweden? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node poland "SHI addresses" @Next "france" @Prev "sweden" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE POLAND: Wojtek Gorzkowski UL. Rewolucji Pazd 95/102 01-242 Warsaw Poland Phone : + 48 22 367 443 (18.00-20.00) Phone : + 48 26 252 994 (10.00-17.00) BBS : + 48 22 367 443 (20.00-08.00) @endnode @node france "SHI addresses" @Next "norway" @Prev "poland" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE FRANCE: Brun Stephane 255 Chemin Fontisson F-84470 Chateaneuf de Gadagne France Phone : + 90 22 54 22 @endnode @node norway "SHI addresses" @Next "east_asia" @Prev "france" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE NORWAY: Kurt Hansen Lang yveien 13 N-4026 Stavanger Norway Phone : + 47 4 520420 @endnode @node east_asia "SHI addresses" @Next "yugoslavia" @Prev "norway" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE EAST ASIA: Javed Islam P. O. Box 10119 Feroze Pur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan @endnode @node yugoslavia "SHI addresses" @Next "argentina" @Prev "east_asia" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE YUGOSLAVIA: Nikolic Tomislav Vase Stajica 3 Sombor 25000 Yugoslavia-Serbia Phone: + 382 520 189 BBS : + 813 849 4034 @endnode @node argentina "SHI addresses" @Next "finland" @Prev "yugoslavia" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ARGENTINA: Pablo A. Trincavelli Dorrego 459 1 er. piso 2000 Rosario Santa Fe Argentina Phone: +54 41 252906 @endnode @node finland "SHI addresses" @Next "portugal" @Prev "argentina" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE FINLAND: Johannes Verwijnen Hiihtom entie 33 B 16 SF-00800 Helsinki Finland Phone: 358 0 759 1263 Phone: 358 0 787 449 @endnode @node portugal "SHI addresses" @Next "switzerland" @Prev "finland" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE PORTUGAL: Alexandre Manuel Reis Casal de S Rua Ant nio Nobre, Lote 5, R/C DTO 2700 Amadora Portugal Phone: + 351 01 494 8932 Fax : + 351 01 494 4662 @endnode @node switzerland "SHI addresses" @Next "south_africa" @Prev "portugal" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SWITZERLAND: Meier Remy Hardstrasse 111 CH-4052 Basel Switzerland Phone: + 41 61 312 63 95 Fax : + 41 61 312 63 95 @endnode @node south_africa "SHI addresses" @Next "turkey" @Prev "switzerland" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SOUTH AFRICA: Richard Harris P.O.Box 3147 1610 Edenvale South Africa Phone: + 27 011 453 6327 @endnode @node turkey "SHI addresses" @Next "austria" @Prev "south_africa" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE TURKEY: Volkan U Sakiz Sok. Berkel Ap. 6/2 81300 Kadik y Istanbul Turkey Phone: + (1) 346 86 48 Fax : + (1) 349 96 35 @endnode @node austria "SHI addresses" @Next "ireland" @Prev "turkey" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE AUSTRIA: David Van Assche Sieveringer Strasse 126, 4 Vienna 1190 Austria Phone: + 222 44 39 91 Fax : + 222 44 42 51 @endnode @node ireland "SHI addresses" @Next "iran" @Prev "austria" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE IRELAND: Anthony Melia 4 Seagrange Drive Baldoyle Dublin 13 Ireland Phone + 01 39 31 23 @endnode @node iran "SHI addresses" @Next "romania" @Prev "ireland" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE IRAN: Soroush Khalatbari 3 floor 32, Mehraban Eskandari-Jonobi street. 13116 Tehran Iran @endnode @node romania "SHI addresses" @Next "hungaria" @Prev "iran" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ROMANIA: Prundeanu Cristian Str. Rodnei nr. 6 1900 Timisoara Romania @endnode @node hungaria "SHI addresses" @Next "canada" @Prev "romania" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE HUNGARIA Pista Palacy Szechenyi U. 55 II/1 7100 Szekszard Hungaria Phone: +36 74 3130 913 Fax : +36 74 3130 913 @endnode @node canada "SHI addresses" @Next "china" @Prev "hungaria" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CANADA: Ray J. Morrell 45 Salisbury Ave. Toronto, ON M4X1C5 Canada Phone: + (416) 324 9513 BBS : + (416) 324 9439 @endnode @node china "SHI addresses" @Next "Cen" @Prev "canada" @Toc "Ad" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CHINA Chen Pan 56, Lane 25, Sung-Teh Road Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China Phone: + 886 2 759 1371 Fax : + 886 2 727 1235 @endnode @node Cen "SHI addresses" @Next "always" @Prev "china" @Toc "Ad" SHI MAIN CENTRAL VIRUS CENTRE: Erik Loevendahl Soerensen Snaphanevej 10 DK-4720 Praestoe Denmark Phone: +45 55 992512 Fax : +45 55 993498 (Please send 2 "Coupon-Response International", if you want information about SHI by letter). Attention: Fidonet mail is only replied by post letters or by faxsimile, therefore state your name and adderess to me. Virus helpline: Phone +45 55 992512 between 1600-2200 GMT Virus helpline: Fax +45 55 993498 between 0000-2400 GMT @endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node always "SnapShot Manual" @Prev "Main" @Toc "Main" ATTENTION DEAR AMIGA FRIEND In some of the next versions SnapShot will support the anti-virus.libraries made by Safe Hex. That means in the future SnapShot automatic will tell you the name of the virus which had infected your harddisk and remove this virus too. You can proably see the how smart SnapShort will be in the future comparing with the killers of to-day, because SnapShot will detect ALL ....NEW VIRUSES TOO. But WE NEED.. YOUR SUPPORT concerning new viruses for updating of our anti-virus.libraries, and of course we think you can see how important your support is if you are using one of the following programs, which are using our anti-virus.libraries: * Virus Checker by Johan Veldthuis * Virus Scanner by Gabriele Greco * DMS different programmes * Virus Info Base by Safe Hex International * D-Copy by Stefan Bernbo * X-Xopy by Cachet Software (commercial) * MT-Copy by Gert-Jan Strik Our thanks are going the following excellent guys for the support of these new viruses. Without these excellent guys there have not been new updates: Rune Goks r, Norway. Ulrik Nielsen, Denmark. Gert Lamers, Holland. David Elmquest, Denmark. Martin, Austria. Sten Andersen, Denmark. Torben Dan Denmark. Kosta Angelis, Greece. Alex Dimitriadis, Germany. Johan Sahlberg, Sweden. Flavio Stanchina, Italy. Gabriele Greco, Italy. ATTENTION: ARE YOU USING SOME OF THE ABOVE PROGRAMS YOU HAVE OF COURSE INTEREST TO HELP US, SO WE CAN HELP YOU TOO. THEREFORE REMEMBER TO SEND ALL NEW VIRUSES TO SHI FOR FUTURE UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH @Endnode